Thursday, December 2, 2010


1a. 20

1b. Makes holy, slain, is, died, lives again, slain, took sin, set apart, died, raises, slain, makes us alive, come, makes blessings, smiles, reins on the throne, died, lives, reins.

2. Rev. Borghardt is saying in this sermon that one day we will be with God and everone else who belives in Jesus who died on the cross for us. God see's his saints which is us because Jesus died on the cross. He wants us to see him one day. Edwards' sermon is more about preishing and what will happen if we dont belive in God and worship him for what he has done for us. Edward makes the reader feel bad about themselves. His sermon talks about Christ barely when Borghardt's talks about Christ many times through out.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I like your point about Edwards theme about perishing and what will happen if we dont believe in God. It shows Edwards' purpose towards converting people very well.

  3. You did a fine job making a comparison between the two sermons. You described them in opposite ways in which they were told.

  4. I like how you contrasted that Rev. is about God's love and mercy for us and how Edwards' hardly mentions that.
