Tuesday, December 21, 2010


1. "Have you figured out yet that I'm going as a cadaver, an anatomical gift?"

2. The way Semrau keeps information away from you helps because it makes the reader read with more depth and to reread some of his sentences to make you think what he is talking about. He uses words in sentences that everybody who has had to strive for a job has gone or is going through.

I believe the intent of the essay was that it is never to late to choose one of the three; conserve, reuse, or recycle. Although he talks about these three words as in yourself instead of nature. Waldemar "reuses" an old calling of his and that was to be surgeon. This is because he does not want to end his carrer and retire, so he goes back to his old childhood calling. He wants to go to Harvard Medical School to complete his task.

His writing strategy was a great one because he puts his own story to what he is trying to tell us, so people could relate maybe and keep reading. People also like reading storys instead of boring lectures tell someone to do a certain task they do not want to do.


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