Sunday, February 6, 2011

No Talk Day

-_- Being able not to talk at all and the only comunication was pictures on a white board and actions was one of the most hardest tasks I ever had to do. In classes I would raise my hand then think of how I was going to answer and sometimes I had to skip on trying to answer. A person would ask me a question and I would open up my mouth then stop myself and think oh yeah I can not talk at all. I felt like a robot and once I got out of the school I was yelling and screaming trying to catch up on all the number words I usually say in a school day.


  1. I wonder if technology puts restraints and limits on our ability to communicate deeply and we just don't realize it. Soon enough we are not even aware of the impact this medium is having on our communication or thinking skills. Hmmmmmm....

  2. I would have to agree with this task being very difficult. At first, it seemed easy, but as the day went on, we became more susceptible to speaking because we are so used to it.

  3. I agree that the drawing of picture and acting out was one of the hardest things I've every done. However it did truly prove the smoke signal theory Postman talked about in the book.

  4. Hahaha, your post made me laugh. First of all, the -_- face is exactly how I felt not being able to talk. The only time that not being able to talk was positive was during Faith. Since majority of our 3rd hour class couldnt speak, doing memory as a group gave all of us 100%!! And you didn't even have to learn it! Yay for whiteboards.
