Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Famous Last Words

In the last paragraph of "Amusing Ourselves To Death" Neil Postman refers to Aldous Huxley. Huxley was trying to talk about the same references as Postman. In Huxley’s book “Brave New World” he says that the public is stuck in between “education and disaster”. When Huxley says “they were laughing instead of thinking, but that they did not know what they were laughing about” was to show that society will laugh at anything even if it is not funny just for entertainment. Postman is showing in his last paragraph that he cannot stop our society from becoming like this. Huxley tried and so did Postman, he can only hope for the best.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

No Talk Day

-_- Being able not to talk at all and the only comunication was pictures on a white board and actions was one of the most hardest tasks I ever had to do. In classes I would raise my hand then think of how I was going to answer and sometimes I had to skip on trying to answer. A person would ask me a question and I would open up my mouth then stop myself and think oh yeah I can not talk at all. I felt like a robot and once I got out of the school I was yelling and screaming trying to catch up on all the number words I usually say in a school day.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Talking To Machines

The speech that Dr. Postman gave at Calvin College relates to chapter one in the book "Amusing Ourselves To Death" by talking about metaphors by the past people. He says this because people are worrying about the 21st century and gives good advice from some quotes of metaphors from people. In "Amusing Ourselves To Death" the Neil Postman says "our media is in our metaphors and our metaphors create the content of our culture".
In Dr. Postman's speech he also talks about how we a merly talking to machines more than human beings these days. This relates to what is said in the book "Amusing Ourselves To Death" about how humans are busy with social networks as Facebook, Twitter, Myspace, etc...He says according to another mans book "Being Digital" that we will soon be talking to a toaster or a doorknob and it will be just as comfortable as talking to an answering machine. This helps Postmans theory as that humans use the technolgy to much or used over an extent.