Thursday, January 27, 2011


1.) Linda Chavez's intent with the first six words in her coloum is to show that civility is important when it comes to debates or arguments. Also that you should assert your voice, so people can listen to your opinion.

2.) Bellicose means warlike or hostile in manner or temperament. When Chavez uses this word in her coloum she is talking about the war and uses words that relate with war and politics. The term "campaign" comes from the French word for open land and was used in English to refer to the time spent on the battlefield or military maneuvers. Also she uses "rounds" for political debate and ammo in a gun. Another time she uses "firing a shot across the bow" which means issuing a strong warning.

3.) a)Chavez is trying to persuade the reading into beliveing that civility is extreamly important for debates and/or proving your point, yet sometimes going away from civility can make your point have more meaning and more powerful. Athough not to make the words you choose barbaric and/or clash together.

b)The best example for this in my opinion is "A well-meaning but foolish effort to replace the disgusting term "nigger" with "slave" in order to get the book past school censors deprives students from learning important lessons about both racism and the social mores of earlier eras. Diction in great literature tells us something about character, in both senses of the word, and tampering with it distorts the author's intent and interferes with the reader's understanding."

4.) I agree with Chavez's point that civility is important, yet going away from civility can give your point to prove more meaning. This go's for Mark Twain's book "Huckleberry Fin" and the word "nigger" to "slave" in his book just so it could be passed to the school so the students can read it. The students need to read the original version so the students can learn lessons on racism and social mores. This go's back to going away from civility can put deeper meaning into a work of liturature or speech.90 Even though going away from civility can help in strength it does not mean you should go out and use hateful words. This should be used when there is an arguement that a person and/or persons disagree with you then will be appropriate for the use.